
I didn’t think so at the time, but I was pretty reckless when I was young. From like age 15 to 23. I had some pretty bad car accidents and a lot of relationship fatalities. I was a good driver, honestly. I just figured I was lucky to survive all the personal mistakes and car wrecks . Now I question if it was dumb luck or what. Car accidents happen, you recover and then it’s a thing of the past. Relationship accidents follow you in that you move on to the next one with the same recklessness that caused the last crash.

And then one day, some years later, I had open heart surgery. No doubt it saved my life, or at least guaranteed that my life would be extended for a period of time. Was that luck? Maybe. But, I’m not so sure now. If there’s a reason for my being I’m more certain now then ever that I should find it. Or, at least consider it. Look for it. Maybe start to honor it. I didn’t run to God or religion. Not then, anyway. Never religion. Ugh. Faith doesn’t have to be a fan of religion. They’re not the same thing. But, seeking my path and purpose, now there’s something to consider.

I didn’t start by looking for my “purpose.” I started by getting better at relationship. With myself and others. I started to work on the things about myself that I could control. The things that didn’t allow me to have healthy ongoing relationships, romantic or otherwise. That was the beginning of some big changes. I didn’t want to keep CRASHING into people and things! But life is life.

So, be better prepared for crashes. That’s my advice for today. And try like hell not to cause them. Even though we will still cause them now and then. And that’s ok too. We’re all human.
