Heart surgery.

I had open heart surgery 10 years ago today. It’s hard to believe how quickly time tick, tick, ticks away. Especially when measured against an event as big as that one. Last night I was talking to a friend about the surgery and a stress test I was supposed to have had done 3 years afterwards. At the 3 year anniversary it was postponed another 2 years. That was 5 years ago. Last night I realized for the first time in a long time that I haven’t had the test done and now I’m thinking maybe I just forget about it. Well, it looks like I have forgotten about it haven’t I? It’s been 10 years. And besides, I feel fine.

It’s easy to drag my feet on this. Like I said, I feel fine. There’s also a part of me that doesn’t want to know if things aren’t alright. Hmmmmm.

I wouldn’t have made it this long without heart surgery. So when I say every day is icing on the cake, I really mean it. I’m living on borrowed time. I need to remember that.

Okay. So, I remember that. Now what? The only way I know how to honor that fact is to just keep going. Get up. Early! Say thank you for a good night’s sleep and a beautiful new day. Make my bed. Have coffee. Exercise. Pray. Feed the horses. Get some physical work done before breakfast. Now it’s 9:30 and I think to myself “half the day’s gone by.” That’s a great way to feel at 9:30. Because I know half the day isn’t really gone, but I’ve started the day out with some accomplishments. And tomorrow I will do the same.

So, if every day is icing on the cake, then how are we supposed to honor each day with that level of awareness and achievement? To live each day like it could be our last? I’d argue that we can’t. To me it’s the daily, mundane steps that add up to a good life. Not the mountains we climb. There are those too, and that’s great. But, every day can’t be some magnificent achievement that the world will applaud us for. If ever. Right?

Just another day to do the best I can with who I am and what I’ve been given to work with.
Not bad,
~ Faith