Wrapping up the Death Category discussion for now

A very old Japanese guy once told me I was an old soul. Did I mention that before? Doesn’t matter. I was in Tokyo at the time and I was happy he thought so. It felt like it was coming from a source of authority or something. He looked like he could easily have been 100 years old. Anyway… that’s not what I was going to talk about.

About 20 years ago, when I and a lot of people were just beginning to live life on the internet, I had this idea that some day the internet and all of us on here would have an “internet past.” In 1998 – 99 there was little to no “history” on here. So, I waited. Well, not really. I lived my life and knew it would take the passing of time to form a history. An internet past. And now here we are.

Did you know that Facebook wasn’t around 20 years ago? It’s a great place to live life today, but I wonder where Facebook and all those people will be 20 years from now. How about 40 years from now? 50? Personally, I have no idea. It’s not like I really care all that much. All I know is there will be a digital history and I’ll be in there… somewhere. So will you. Somewhere. I wonder, will we ever have any control over our history? Again, I really have no clue as to the answers to these questions.

It’s just that I’ve been thinking maybe some day this history we’re all making will matter to us. To someone. Anyone? Maybe it won’t. Maybe it will matter to some people and to some it won’t. That’s probably it. Just thinking out loud while trying to leave my own little “mark.” (because I doubt we’ll be able to count on that other Mark to keep our history for any reasons other than his own) I guess it’s safe to say then, that it matters to me. Yes. It definitely matters to me. So I wonder, does it matter to you?

Thanks for reading. Now back to “Life.” Have a great day!
