A HUGE Reflection

So, I’m having a bit of a hard time getting into the flow and habit of this blog. I think the reason for that is I’m trying to pull my past up to the present in order to get up to date on how I got to where I am today. I think I could spend the rest of my life doing that and never get to the present. Today’s post is about the past, but also entirely about the present. The realization this morning was powerful. Here’s the story.

Back in the late 80s, while working in Los Angeles, I got this job that I hated and lasted only a few months at. I was driving from the valley into the city. That was horrible enough. The other thing about it was that I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing at my job. I won’t go into details about the job. Just that it was a huge struggle and I HATED it.

One day after work I was at home and at my whits end. I don’t do this very often. Certainly not back then. But, I got down on my knees in complete and utter surrender and prayed to God to help me out of this. I was serious. I could not do this anymore and I was desperate.

The next day I drove into the city and struggled at my new job. It might have been that same day or the day after when I got a phone call from a company not far from where I lived. I had interviewed for a job with them and didn’t get it. What had happened was they hired someone who didn’t work out and I was second on their list. I was not only hired, I was saved!

I quit the job in the city and 2 weeks later was working at a new, much larger publishing company that was a 10 minute drive from where I lived. And I didn’t even have to get on a freeway to get there. It was an absolute miracle. I’ll never forget this incredible answer to my prayer. I didn’t start knocking on doors, however, telling people about the power of God and prayer. I just picked up and got to work.

This morning, some 35 years later, I was reflecting on that miracle after reading about Psalm 9:10 “Those who know your name trust in you.” Still not knocking on doors, haha, I was prompted to ask myself to recall a tough situation when God showed me His love and faithfulness. While the L.A. job story has come to mind often over the years, this morning it had a profound new meaning.

During my short stint with the company in the city I was invited to a birthday party where I met a friend of some of my co-workers. Their friend and I began dating and 2 years later got married. We were married for 25 years and had one son. My son now has a 7 month old son. Of course that would be my grandson.

So, if not for that lousy job experience that literally brought me to my knees back in 1988, my grandson would not even exist. I might have a son, but not this son. I might even have a grandson, but not this grandson. I might be somewhere, but it’s not likely I would be here.

After years of being shown to me the clouds parted this morning and the light shone upon me. I finally saw it. Finally. How some of the most difficult times in one’s life, if not THE most difficult, can lead to the most beautiful. If not THE most beautiful. Amen.

Hang in there. It can and will happen to you. It already has. Believe it.

~ Faith